How to add liquidity for VANCAT on PancakeSwap
So you already have your $VANCAT stacked up, but you also want to earn an interest?
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So you already have your $VANCAT stacked up, but you also want to earn an interest?
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You can add your $VANCAT's to the liquidity pool and earn a commission from fee's. Let's say you've added liquidity by providing BNB and VANCAT -- you end up with more BNB and VANCAT over time. Simple as that.
Enter "Liquidity" tab and click on "Add Liquidity" buton.
Enter the amount of BNB (or CAKE) you'd like to add to the pool, then click the "Select a Token" below to add your VANCAT's. There is a ratio as you're adding a pair to the pool, so feel free to play with the amounts as you wish.
Select VANCAT from the dropdown. If it doesn't show up, copy&paste our BSC contract address, which is here
Voila! Once you're happy with the amounts, click "Approve VANCAT" & "Supply".
You'll be asked for confirmation on Metamask too. Confirm it and you're done!
Congratulations. From now on, everytime a swap with $VANCAT happens on Pancakeswap, you'll earn a portion of fee's.