How to add liquidity for VANCAT on PancakeSwap

So you already have your $VANCAT stacked up, but you also want to earn an interest?

You can add your $VANCAT's to the liquidity pool and earn a commission from fee's. Let's say you've added liquidity by providing BNB and VANCAT -- you end up with more BNB and VANCAT over time. Simple as that.

Step 1

Enter "Liquidity" tab and click on "Add Liquidity" buton.

Step 2

Enter the amount of BNB (or CAKE) you'd like to add to the pool, then click the "Select a Token" below to add your VANCAT's. There is a ratio as you're adding a pair to the pool, so feel free to play with the amounts as you wish.

Step 3

Select VANCAT from the dropdown. If it doesn't show up, copy&paste our BSC contract address, which is here

Step 4

Voila! Once you're happy with the amounts, click "Approve VANCAT" & "Supply".

Step 5

You'll be asked for confirmation on Metamask too. Confirm it and you're done!

Congratulations. From now on, everytime a swap with $VANCAT happens on Pancakeswap, you'll earn a portion of fee's.

Last updated