⚡️ How to swap VANCAT on PancakeSwap 🥧
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First, make sure you've connected your Metamask wallet on PancakeSwap and you're on Binance Smart Chain. Click "Connect" from top right if MetaMask doesn't ask you to connect first.
To swap VANCAT (BEP20) on PancakeSwap, go to the "Exchange" tab and select the VANCAT token.
If you can't find VANCAT by search, you'll need to add the token manually.
In order to add VANCAT manually, enter the VANCAT smart contract address on the BSC network, as shown in the screenshot below.
VANCAT smart contract address on the BSC network:
Next, select the token that you want to swap for VANCAT. In our case, we've chosen BNB. Type the amount of BNB you'd like to swap for, or the VANCAT amount you'd like to get, and click "Swap".
Please note: The transaction fee is charged in BNB, and usually is between $0,01 and $2.
Confirm the transaction from Metamask and you're good to go.
That's it. VANCAT will show up in your MetaMask wallet.
If you don't see it, click "Add Token" on your Metamask's "Assets" tab, click "Custom Token" and paste VANCAT's BSC address: 0x8597ba143AC509189E89aaB3BA28d661A5dD9830